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Saigon Philharmonic Orchestra Patronage
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism

  • Vietnam was the host nation for ASEAN summit in 2010 and with their assistance the Orchestra was founded.

  • After fruitful discussion  amongst the core members of ASEAN and with the support from the Vietnamese Ministry of Culture, we have developed a new set of objectives for the future progress of the Saigon Philharmonic Orchestra. These are primarily


  • In collaborate developing the Performing Arts at our Music Conservatories. This will Benefit directly our students and teachers, both professionally and culturally. With an expanding orchestra, the programme and range of performances will be improved, allowing an advanced repertoire.

  • Learning: The principles of musical and professional discipline, orchestra technique, self-directed learning, team work, cooperation and leadership, which are still introducing into our current teaching system.

  • Experience: Each of our performances aims to provide student’s parents, friends of the Conservatory, classical music lovers and the general public of Saigon both matiness and evening Symphonic concerts of the highest quality.


  • Reach Out and Knowledge Exchange:  The Conservatory delivers presentations, seminars, education related events, for the benefit of the wider community. These events are aimed at all age groups, primarily younger adults with the view to foster musical interest and possible development.


  • Masterclasses: This is an exciting initiative that enables Professional musicians to deliver advanced instructional classes to our students, so that they have the opportunity to meet and learn from outstanding musicians. This opportunity arises whenever visiting Solo artists are engaged with the orchestra.


  • To Nurture talented graduate students: Once our students have graduated, they hold a unique position whereby they can instruct future generations of students. It is therefore envisaged that Saigon Philharmonic Orchestra will continue to grow with our former students being employed.  This remains a priority to determine the full complement of a professional orchestra.

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